My daughter's netball team is having a fundraising day and her school has asked for baking goods donation. So we decided to make some cookies for the fundraising. We've looked around Pinterest for some inspiration and honestly i can spend hours in that site just admiring so many talented people and their crafts. We found a lot of really cool decorated sugar cookies, but a blog post in Bakerella really inspired us to give it a go :) It was sugar cookies in a shape of a whale, which was made using a Santa cookie cutter. It looks easy enough to make because basically we only need to make one base colour and 2 other colours to compliment the whale. Here are the cookie dough and the mess in our kitchen while baking is in progress... And this is the first batch ready to go into the oven... To decorate the cookies, pipe the outline of the whale with a piping consistency icing, then fill in the cookies using flood icing and then let it dry for a few hours. After the base colour is dry, start piping in the little details such as the gills at the bottom of the whale and outline the bottom fin using the piping consistency icing. Then add in the sprout And of course we need to compliment these cute whales with pink little hearts to match their cute smiles Just like the whale, we decorate the hearts by piping the outline and then filling them in using flood icing, then let it dry for a few hours. Here they are together And because we want to keep them fresh to sell during the fundraising, we wrapped them individually along with a cute little tags. There you go...two dozen whales ready to go for Netball fundraising day :)
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February 2020
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